MySQL Replication with SSL
These are the steps I used to create a MySQL replication slave using SSL, and were performed using MySQL 5.5 and Ubuntu 15.10.
The highlighted items should be replaced with your own items. I hope someone else finds this useful!
1. On the main database server, set up the replication user from the MySQL command line:
# create the user and require SSL CREATE USER 'replication_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'replication_password'; # set the permissions GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT, REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'replication_user'@'%' REQUIRE SSL; # reload the user privileges FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
2. On the main database server, create the SSL keys:
sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/certs/mysql sudo chown mysql /etc/ssl/certs/mysql cd /etc/ssl/certs/mysql sudo openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout master-private.pem -out master-public.pem -nodes -days 3650 # convert the key to the correct format for mysql sudo openssl rsa -in master-private.pem -out master-private.pem sudo cp master-public.pem ca-cert.pem sudo chown mysql:mysql *
3. On the slave database server, add the SSL keys:
sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/certs/mysql sudo chown SLAVE_USER /etc/ssl/certs/mysql cd /etc/ssl/certs/mysql # transfer the certificate from the master database server to the slave database server scp MASTER_USER@MASTER_IP_ADDRESS:/etc/ssl/certs/mysql/ca-cert.pem . # create the slave's ssl keys sudo openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout slave-private.pem -out slave-public.pem -nodes -days 3650 # convert the key to the correct format for mysql sudo openssl rsa -in slave-private.pem -out slave-private.pem # append the public key to the certificate sudo bash -c "cat slave-public.pem >> ca-cert.pem" # change file ownerships back to mysql sudo chown mysql:mysql /etc/ssl/certs/mysql -R
4. On the main database server, get the new certificate from the slave:
cd /etc/ssl/certs/mysql sudo chown MASTER_USER ca-cert.pem scp SLAVE_USER@SLAVE_IP_ADDRESS:/etc/ssl/certs/mysql/ca-cert.pem .
Set the file permissions back:
sudo chown mysql ca-cert.pem
5. On the main database server, modify the MySQL configuration:
sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
[mysqld] ssl ssl-ca=/etc/ssl/certs/mysql/ca-cert.pem ssl-cert=/etc/ssl/certs/mysql/master-public.pem ssl-key=/etc/ssl/certs/mysql/master-private.pem log-bin=mysql-bin server-id=2 expire_logs_days=30
Restart MySQL:
sudo service mysql restart
Verify that SSL is enabled via the MySQL command line:
You can test the connection at this point from the slave server, using:
mysql -ureplication -p -hMASTER_IP_ADDRESS --ssl-ca /etc/ssl/certs/mysql/ca-cert.pem
6. On the main database server, get the log position and dump the database.
From the MySQL command line (session 1):
# prevent any writes from occurring on the database # the web app will return errors until the lock is released FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK;
From another MySQL command line (session 2):
# write down the output from this command SHOW MASTER STATUS;
+------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ | File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ | mysql-bin.000055 | 555555 | | | +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Close session 2, and dump the database:
cd ~/backups mysqldump -uroot -p --databases DATABASE_NAME | gzip > 20151231.sql.gz
Back to session 1:
# release the lock that is preventing writes to the database UNLOCK TABLES;
7. On the slave database server, allow AppArmor to access the ca-cert.pem file:
sudo nano /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld
Add the line:
/etc/ssl/certs/mysql/*.pem r,
8. On the slave database server, configure MySQL:
sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf [mysqld] ssl ssl-ca=/etc/ssl/certs/mysql/ca-cert.pem ssl-cert=/etc/ssl/certs/mysql/slave-public.pem ssl-key=/etc/ssl/certs/mysql/slave-private.pem server-id=3 relay-log=mysql-relay-bin.log log-bin=mysql-bin # also log updates to the slave server (optional) log_slave_updates=true
Restart MySQL:
sudo service mysql restart
Verify that SSL is enabled via the MySQL command line:
9. On the slave database server, import the database:
cd ~/backups scp MASTER_USER@MASTER_IP_ADDRESS:/home/SLAVE_USER/backups/20151231.sql.gz . gunzip 20151231.sql.gz mysql -uroot -p < 20151231.sql
10. On the slave database, start replication from the MySQL command line:
# set the master credentials CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='MASTER_IP_ADDRESS', MASTER_USER='replication', MASTER_PASSWORD='replication_password', MASTER_SSL=1, MASTER_SSL_CA='/etc/ssl/certs/mysql/ca-cert.pem', MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000055', MASTER_LOG_POS=555555; # start the slave START SLAVE; # check the status SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G